A portrait photograph of a homeless woman in Regina, Saskatchewan

Me: How long have you been in Regina?

Kylie: Since October 3rd

M: Oh man, you’re new! Where were you originally?

K: Winnipeg I guess. And I moved to Grenfell in May.

M: So what brought you to Regina?

K: I actually got stranded here cuz I was in the hospital and um, issues I guess. Issues I had to deal with. And I got into Kate’s Place. This is my first time even coming to Carmichael. So I’m just trying to find what resources Regina has.

(discussion on services in Regina)

M: So what is Kate’s Place?

K: It’s through Regional Housing Authority. It’s for women who are in and out of jail all the time. It’s related to drugs and addictions. My addiction was alcohol. And so I’m signed up for treatment for that. I don’t want to go back to a small town. There’s not too much support.

M: Do you have family around here?

K: I do have family in the city. I just don’t know where they live right now. I did meet up with one but I want to stay out of trouble so, that’s the whole point.

M: What gets you through day-to-day?

K: Well, I just got out of detox again. Trying to find where I can go for AA meetings. Trying to figure this out. I have all my education and everything. I’m so used to working. I’m in a rut right now.

M: What education do you have?

K: Business Admin and my first year in Psychology. Didn’t take me too far though. I ended up doing construction. That’s what I’m looking at right now. I can’t start work until I deal with the treatment situation first.

M: Were you on site doing work?

K: I worked for a company in Winnipeg called Build. From that I went to building for flood evacuees in northern Manitoba. I did lots of work there. I just ended up leaving.

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